Powerful maturation stimulator
Plants need more potassium in the maturation phase. K-Boost contains potassium (K) and L-amino acids, is fully water-soluble and leaves no residue.
K-Boost is an organic-mineral product characterized by the usability of the active ingredients. K-Boost has a powerful stimulating effect on the maturation process.
- organic-mineral maturity stimulator
- Increases the strength of the final product
- Increases the yield
- Improves the quality
Tips & Tricks
- Use K-Boost for the last few weeks for a compact and solid end product.
- K-Boost works even better with double doses of 100 ml per 100 liters.
- K-Boost is fully water-soluble and leaves no residue in drip irrigation systems
- K-Boost has minimal effect on the pH and EC value of the nutrient solution
K-Boost contains L-amino acids, potassium and organic nitrogen.
K-Boost is available in bottles of 150ml. Larger bottles on request.
Application and dosage
Apply K-Boost from the 5th to 7th Blooming Week.
Add 30-50 ml K-Boost to 100 liters of water.
Shake before use.
- Fully water soluble
- Does not leave any residue in irrigation systems
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