Our Auto Blue Mazar is one of the most successful autoflowering varieties among our followers. It is not surprising since, in addition to its excellent quality, it can produce between 100 and 200 grams of the best marijuana.
Characteristics of the Auto Mazar Blue variety
Like all Mr.Hide Seeds® varieties, Auto Blue Mazar stands out for its aroma and flavor. As always, curing for at least a month is recommended to be able to appreciate these delicate organoleptic properties. It is a very productive marijuana plant, it reaches a height of practically one meter with a central bud and several lateral branches that also produce important flowers.
It is worth noting the exuberant resin that it secretes and that contributes to increasing its exquisite fragrance. In fact, trimming this plant is hard work that will leave your palms and fingers covered in dark resin. Being an indica with ancestors from the Indu Kush mountain range, this excess of resin is its natural way of defending itself against environmental inclemencies. Ideal for obtaining an exceptional charas.