It is the typical indica (80% indica and 20% sativa). It is a robust plant, with a huge and dense central bud and lateral branches that also give us thousands of flowers completely full of precious trichomes that give the plant its recognizable Christmas tree appearance.
Our White Widow + has an earthy, citric and fruity flavor thanks to being a genetics very rich in terpenes such as limonene, valencene, caryophyllene and myrcene, known for its purity, potency and resistance.
Like all good indica, it is a very narcotic, relaxing and analgesic plant but with a very attractive invigorating and creative point. It is excellent for fighting stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression.
It has between 16 and 18% THC.
Its flowering phase lasts between 55 and 60 days with a production that ranges between 450 and 550 grams per square meter in indoor crops and up to 900 grams in good outdoor crops. And also, it is harvested at the end of September.
If you are a novice grower, looking for quantity or simply looking for a very easy and productive crop, our Mr White Widow + is your plant.