Extends the root system and improves nutrient uptake
Mycor Mix extends the root system and improves nutrient uptake. Mycor Mix contains a mixture of different types of mycorrhizae. These are useful mushrooms associated with the root system. The fine cell threads transport the nutrients to the roots, increasing the surface area of the plant's ability to absorb nutrients. The use of Mycor Mix results in clearly observable results during flowering, as the mycorrhizae increase the uptake of phosphorus. Plants need phosphor to bloom. An increased uptake of phosphorus leads to larger flowers, larger flowers in turn increase the yield.
The effect of Mycor Mix is easy to recognize as it is administered to each plant individually at the beginning of the growth cycle. Treated plants (or roots of treated plants) are very easy to distinguish from untreated ones.
- Enlarges the root system seven times
- improves nutrient uptake (especially of phosphorus)
- 100% organic
Tips & Tricks
- Mycorrhizae mushrooms facilitate the absorption of phosphorus. This results in larger flowers and a higher yield.
Mycor Mix contains a mixture of different varieties of Mykorrhyzae. There are other types of Mykorrhyzae besides Endomykorrhyza, but your stock uses only Endomykorrhyzae. The Mykorrhyzae are fixed on a mineral carrier material, which feeds and protects the mushrooms.
Mycor Mix is available in packs of 100 grams.
Application and dosage
Sprinkle 1 gram of Mycor Mix into the planting hole before using the plant. Mycor Mix then has direct access to the root system.
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