From the distant Hindu Kush, between Afghanistan and Pakistan
Kush for Indica varieties means what Haze means for the sativa varieties. Like Skunk, Kush is an expression that can be used to describe a lineage of cannabis plants. We use the term indica today to describe a type of plant that is normally found (native) in India. At that time, all plants were called cannabis sativa, but there was a big difference in these varieties, which required differentiation into another category, named Indica, after the region where they were first discovered.
Although we know that Indicas are native to more countries than India, not only the expression but also the pattern of naming grasses according to the places of their discovery has remained. The very first Kush grass that emerged was named in tribute to Hindu Kush, a mountainous region that stretches from Afghanistan to Pakistan.
Good for all budgets
We decided to bring one of these old school Kush breeds back to life and bring them to the modern age with a feminized seed. The Special Kush is our lowest price seed, perfect for the low budget grower. If you are looking for decent grass for a reasonable price, the Special Kush is perfect for you.
Up to 3m outdoors and good yields
The Special Kush likes to grow wild, like in the mountains of Afghanistan, that means she fills in every possible space. Indoor must be taken to ensure that it does not overgrow its place. However, if she has enough space outside, she can grow up to 3 meters tall.
The flower is completed after 7-8 weeks and it carries indoors 65-150 g per plant, 475 g per square meter under a 600 W lamp. If she is grown outdoors, she needs a warm environment, as found in Italy or Greece. With enough sun, fertilizer and water, this tree can carry over 550 g per plant.
After hash tasting variety
In general, the buds of the Special Kush are small and firm white nuggets that are distributed throughout the plant. When smoking, she has a very haschish-like taste with a full body stone through her indica background. This is a simple, elemental plant that is good for smoking and available as feminized seeds at a good price.